Alliance for Water Efficiency Customized Member Logo for HWW Website


The undersigned member of the Alliance for Water Efficiency agrees to the following Terms of Use for free use of the AWE customized Home Water Works logo for linking to the Home Water Works web site. Sample below.

1. The undersigned member agrees to pay current member dues and annual dues thereafter while the customized Home Water Works logo is being used.

2. The undersigned member agrees to not to share the customized logo with any other party.

3. The undersigned member agrees to provide credit to the Alliance for Water Efficiency in all use of the Home Water Works web site content and calculator results.

4. The undersigned member agrees to release the Alliance for Water Efficiency, its officers, agents, and employees from liability for any claims or damages of any kind or description that may arise from usage of the Home Water Works web site.

In return, the Alliance for Water Efficiency agrees to the following:

1. The Alliance agrees to provide to the AWE member a customized version of the Home Water Works logo upon signed acceptance and receipt of these Terms of Use, and upon full payment of membership dues as noted above..

Are you an AWE member?*

By clicking on "I ACCEPT" below you thereby agree to the above Terms of Use and certify that your organization is a current member of the Alliance for Water Efficiency. You will receive a PDF copy of the Terms of Use along with the Water Conservation Tracking Tool.

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